
You will probably have noticed that the name of this blog is the Christian Aid campaign so this page is dedicated to just a few of many campaigns that have taken place around the world.!
Click the link above to see the southern campaigners toolkit 2010. Although it is an older video the content is still true today.

Trade Justice Campaign
Built awareness on poorer people needing to have more say in what goes on in the trading policies of their country, as this is part of the reason they are in poverty. The impact of this lead to thousands of people protesting towards the EU and the UK government about trade negotiations. This then caused a movement against EPA which occurred in over 30 countries. Because less fortunate countries have little money they are more vulnerable to being pressured into unfair deals in trade. All of the skills and natural resources are there but the multinational companies are reaping the rewards for work that isn't theirs. This is also why it is good for everyday people to buy fairtrade products, as it is a huge help to these people and how much money they earn. This whole campaign was very important in making a massive movement in the way trades companies will be acting in the future.

Climate Justice
Since 2007 Christian Aid have been making people aware of the affect that climate change has on poor people. It causes danger to poorer countries, money wise, and will just put the process of  beating poverty back a few steps. Over may years campaigning has shown to have made a big difference towards tackling the issues of climate change that can be helped, it's now time to just make the final push. Governments all around the world need to make sure that they are putting enough money aside to help the countries in their struggles, so they can work their way out of poverty.

As you can see campaigning has a huge affect and is one of the main ways that Christian Aid gets their ideas stuck into peoples head, so they can actually think about what they're doing and how that is perceived and affected in other countries.
Go to the link above to find out how you can get involved a campaign yourself.

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