Short Term and Long Term Goals

Seeing as Christian Aid has been running for over 80 years there are many short and long term goals that the charity have pursued. This page has been set up to give you some information on a few of these.

One long term goal is to move from global crisis, to global success by making a large movement in politics and getting as many people as possible involved. This includes ongoing dialogue with leading development thinkers, partners, business and supporters to identify ways of doing the above.

The elimination of poverty and the need for the existence of Christian Aid = Long term goal.

Peace goals= Since 2000 an organisation, which Christian Aid supports, has held the Twic Olympics. In Sudan many  different groups have been fighting with each other. Many people moved away to escape this. The Twic Olympics have been set up to help people from the different groups get along better, hoping they will overcome some of their previous problems. It also gives some of the young people who moved away, a chance to feel like part of the town again. Girls can also compete equally to the boys in the games, because usually they are treated unfairly.

So as you can see there are lots of goals that Christian Aid have either created or helped create and a lot of them have been achieved, and if they haven't they are well on their way to being.

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